Sorry for this time with not news, but to find one moment in my life in Nairobi to write in the blog it´s difficult. And more difficult during this two months that my conexion to internet was really bad.
But today I had a great new... I had internet at home just for all days. Wifi conexion... AMAZING! So.. I am feeling other time in conexion with the world, so I need to communicate with my people.. and I should all my friends a report about this time here.
Two months ago, my plane arrived other time to Nairobi. This time, my travel was more boring, well.. no more boring, only that I don´t have any expectation to see Africa flying.. so.. I was sleeping and the fly was more fast.
One time in Kenya, started my great adventure.. start to live in Kenya for myself... my team not come to pick up me to the airport.. so.. I remembered the place where is MC house, but I don´t have the adress ( in Nairobi the house don´t have adress), and of course.. I don´t have credit at my phone in this moment.. so... ok Kela.. go ahead... look a taxi and explain the taxi man how to go to your house, if you don´t have any mistake in your memory. Lucky, my orientation is fantastic (my worst part with the language it´s opposite with the orientation) so, with my poor english in this moment I take a taxi, I negotiate a good price and I was guiding the taxi to home.. and yes.. I get to be at home safe in 20 minuts. :)
After it, at home Kagasi (MCVP LC Development) was waiting for me. I left the lugage, take a fast fast shower and started my MC life... Yes yes.. started.. because in this moment I left the house with Kagasi to go to my first marketing call in AIESEC Kenya. I had my first interview with a bussines man to negotiate a session for the next National Conference of AIESEC Kenya. I was in communication with him before my arrived to Kenya by email. But emails is one thing.. and to have a interview face to face is other.. and my first day.. oh my god.. I wan to die! But not.. its not bad.. is more my fear with the english that any problem with the language. We can arrange the session, work together to prepare it and it´s ready.. in three days He gave the session in the conference.
But before to talk about the conference... one little thing.. the travel to the conference. My life in Kenya never stop to surprise me.. and the travel to the conference was amazing. The venue of the conference was in Empto, a little city to two hours in matatu ( bus is swahili) to Nairobi. the matatus are really interesting.. are like little bus or vans, that have place for 15 persons, and that you can use it to move in the city, they have different routes, but are privates and have different prices and maybe you need to negotiate it, or to travel one city to other if are short distants. So AIESEC Kenya have arrange the transport to the hotel of the conference with 5 matatus for the first persons that came (facilitators and CC members). In my matatu went all facilitators.. or the same.. my MC team. The road was amazing, you pass villages and the landscapes in Kenya are really really beautiful, I love it. But in one moment the road have a jump (really tipical here also), and the driver take other way into the mountain. I think that was the moment in all my life that more close to something similar at jungle I was. Everythings went ok.. but in one moment, in this way came other matatu in the oposite direction.. and the way was little... so my matatu have to go really close to one side of the road, and the matatu lost the balance and pass to be support in two trees that have the mountain here. All people out of the matatu really fast.. and the most impactful thing was that after these two trees have one little house of a poor family that live here. Well.. the situation is dramatic.. but like everythings in Kenya ... they with all peac of the world find fast a solution... all men start to push the matatu in the oposite side and little by little... get to put the matatu in the road. Faster faster.. all people into the matatu.. and the travel continued. ;)
After that.. you discovered that the Conference Hotel is really really nice place. And.. after two hours of delay (other tipical thing in Kenya), started the best conference that I can live in AIESEC.
The opening plenary was amazing... the facilitators can´t talk because the delegates speak out and joking, and laught, and clamp all time... it´s incredible the energy that AIESEC members have here. Passion and energy in this AIESEC is a great mix, that they put in everythings that they do. It´s so easy that they participate, opine, bring new ideas, want to learn, ... It´s fantastic! I love it! The conference was amazing. I was really glad, motivate, ... I felt that they are my family here. My team was great moments with me, I could start to learn african dancings, my MCP is a great teacher ;), and beautiful moments with the delegates.
After the first week in the conference I started to work and to live in Nairobi. I remembered that my first week was like.. ohhhh.. my house is really far to Nairobi.. and was a little caotic because we don´t know taxi friends to come to house in the night with a good price, the house was empty of fornitures... Well.. was a week to adaptation. Now, my house is the best place to live here for me. It´s beautiful, have space, have hot water in the shower, have internet, and have donations that the alumni are doing.. sofas, tv, kitchen tools, ... and.. well.. of course .. MOSQUITOES!!!! The loyal friends of this house! hehehehe.. but it´s not malaria in Nairobi.. so.. you can live with them.
And.. of course the house have garden, so.. you have also other friendly insects at home sometimes, like my lovely spiders. That all my life I hate with all my soul. But now is really easy.. I took a shoe and kill them. Well the first weeks.. was really helpful Katie and Anne... if the house had a spider.. I speak out AHHHHH!!!! and Katie or Anne kill it. But if the house had a bird (yes.. one bird can come into the house in Kenya).. Anne was scare close in one room.. and I was following the bird to get have it into my hand and put it out! They was my house mates at the first of my time here.. but after this time with them, they are really more that house mates. They were amazing.. I miss you so much girls! We were the perfect house-mates.. was so fun these time with us. :P Well.. the house have other house-mate more.. Abita. She was ok, but not was the same relationship.
Now that they left Kenya, I live with other two house-mates: Mary and Kell. They are really ok also, it´s not the same relationship because we don´t work together (with Anne passed all day together), but they are really friendly and have fun some nights. It´s nice to live in one house that coming interns.. I can meet a lot of different people during the year.
Other thing that happened during this time is a East Africa MC meeting in Kampala, Uganda. Was really nice to see other time to Manuela and Jimmy, but was better to know other country totally different. And yes.. as all travels here, you had to have a fun situation.. the fun situation this time was in the board.. my visa to Kenya was off. Hehehe.. yes... I was ilegal citizens in Kenya. Can you imagine????? Well.. don´t worry... negotiate, talking and communicate is the best option in this case. I get that they left pass me to Uganda... if one woman is starting to cry is a real good arm in this situations ( I hate it.. but was the only way to get that the police left me serenity and go). And buy the Uganda visa.. and when I come back to Kenya.. no.. I hadn´t to buy a new visa.. crazy conversation of Katie and me with the police.. and they stamped my visa other time! :) Inspite of this, these trip was really nice. The meeting was productive, and really good to create network, the party in Kampala, was amazing. The best pub that I have visited in Africa! Really nice music, variety, beautiful place, smirnof ice black (Of course).. and the best party mates... oh Doreen, George, Frank and Katie.. was amazing!!!!!!!!! :P
Other experience... the official dinner of AIESEC Kenya the last friday. Was so nice the dinner, the alumni, the members, my MC, the CC presentation for the IC 2011 in Kenya. I really enjoyed of this night in other different environment. A posh hotel in Nairobi, with beautiful dress, good food, ... But the best was the party... I finished the party with the sandals off and dancing in the pub totally african! It´s so nice!!!! And the people like so much to dance!!!!
The next day of the dinner was the Rachel wedding, the sister of Ingrid.. my host family in April here. The wedding was beautiful, all thing was really organized, well presented, and of course, the family is like a big family for me. They take care of me a lot and bring me a lot of love.
More things... mmmm... I lived a amazing birthday party in one house into the Safari Park of Nairobi, amazing landscape at the sunrise, and a lot of fun with the members. Interested night! Also we have a great party to say bye bye to Katie and welcome to Freija, in the MC house.. was the Mojito & Sangria party. Was really fun, and the MC house started to be like a great disco, with music, projector of colours in one wall, and.. well.. a lot of good environment and crazy drinking games.
I lived also a legislative session of AIESEC Kenya... they are so serious and fast in it. Was nice.
I have participate in differents MSS (LC activities) here, and one LC VISIT to Kabarak, in Nakuru... What to say about it???? Nice, touching, ....
... all time I feel that I am saying the same: amazing, nice, beautiful, fantastic.. but It´s in reallity my life here in this experience... I am so happy to live it. I love it! Nairobi is a great city, is not dangerous, the people is really friendly, the life is not expensive, the universities are really really good, the matatus are funny, ... and I only can say three words: I LOVE IT!
And.. well.. one thing more.. something that I wan to share with you here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuuTlQ0FzEU Look this video and reflect about it, please.
See you soon.. I promise to write more frecuently now.
Sorry for this time with not news, but to find one moment in my life in Nairobi to write in the blog it´s difficult. And more difficult during this two months that my conexion to internet was really bad.
But today I had a great new... I had internet at home just for all days. Wifi conexion... AMAZING! So.. I am feeling other time in conexion with the world, so I need to communicate with my people.. and I should all my friends a report about this time here.
Two months ago, my plane arrived other time to Nairobi. This time, my travel was more boring, well.. no more boring, only that I don´t have any expectation to see Africa flying.. so.. I was sleeping and the fly was more fast.
One time in Kenya, started my great adventure.. start to live in Kenya for myself... my team not come to pick up me to the airport.. so.. I remembered the place where is MC house, but I don´t have the adress ( in Nairobi the house don´t have adress), and of course.. I don´t have credit at my phone in this moment.. so... ok Kela.. go ahead... look a taxi and explain the taxi man how to go to your house, if you don´t have any mistake in your memory. Lucky, my orientation is fantastic (my worst part with the language it´s opposite with the orientation) so, with my poor english in this moment I take a taxi, I negotiate a good price and I was guiding the taxi to home.. and yes.. I get to be at home safe in 20 minuts. :)
After it, at home Kagasi (MCVP LC Development) was waiting for me. I left the lugage, take a fast fast shower and started my MC life... Yes yes.. started.. because in this moment I left the house with Kagasi to go to my first marketing call in AIESEC Kenya. I had my first interview with a bussines man to negotiate a session for the next National Conference of AIESEC Kenya. I was in communication with him before my arrived to Kenya by email. But emails is one thing.. and to have a interview face to face is other.. and my first day.. oh my god.. I wan to die! But not.. its not bad.. is more my fear with the english that any problem with the language. We can arrange the session, work together to prepare it and it´s ready.. in three days He gave the session in the conference.
But before to talk about the conference... one little thing.. the travel to the conference. My life in Kenya never stop to surprise me.. and the travel to the conference was amazing. The venue of the conference was in Empto, a little city to two hours in matatu ( bus is swahili) to Nairobi. the matatus are really interesting.. are like little bus or vans, that have place for 15 persons, and that you can use it to move in the city, they have different routes, but are privates and have different prices and maybe you need to negotiate it, or to travel one city to other if are short distants. So AIESEC Kenya have arrange the transport to the hotel of the conference with 5 matatus for the first persons that came (facilitators and CC members). In my matatu went all facilitators.. or the same.. my MC team. The road was amazing, you pass villages and the landscapes in Kenya are really really beautiful, I love it. But in one moment the road have a jump (really tipical here also), and the driver take other way into the mountain. I think that was the moment in all my life that more close to something similar at jungle I was. Everythings went ok.. but in one moment, in this way came other matatu in the oposite direction.. and the way was little... so my matatu have to go really close to one side of the road, and the matatu lost the balance and pass to be support in two trees that have the mountain here. All people out of the matatu really fast.. and the most impactful thing was that after these two trees have one little house of a poor family that live here. Well.. the situation is dramatic.. but like everythings in Kenya ... they with all peac of the world find fast a solution... all men start to push the matatu in the oposite side and little by little... get to put the matatu in the road. Faster faster.. all people into the matatu.. and the travel continued. ;)
After that.. you discovered that the Conference Hotel is really really nice place. And.. after two hours of delay (other tipical thing in Kenya), started the best conference that I can live in AIESEC.
The opening plenary was amazing... the facilitators can´t talk because the delegates speak out and joking, and laught, and clamp all time... it´s incredible the energy that AIESEC members have here. Passion and energy in this AIESEC is a great mix, that they put in everythings that they do. It´s so easy that they participate, opine, bring new ideas, want to learn, ... It´s fantastic! I love it! The conference was amazing. I was really glad, motivate, ... I felt that they are my family here. My team was great moments with me, I could start to learn african dancings, my MCP is a great teacher ;), and beautiful moments with the delegates.
After the first week in the conference I started to work and to live in Nairobi. I remembered that my first week was like.. ohhhh.. my house is really far to Nairobi.. and was a little caotic because we don´t know taxi friends to come to house in the night with a good price, the house was empty of fornitures... Well.. was a week to adaptation. Now, my house is the best place to live here for me. It´s beautiful, have space, have hot water in the shower, have internet, and have donations that the alumni are doing.. sofas, tv, kitchen tools, ... and.. well.. of course .. MOSQUITOES!!!! The loyal friends of this house! hehehehe.. but it´s not malaria in Nairobi.. so.. you can live with them.
And.. of course the house have garden, so.. you have also other friendly insects at home sometimes, like my lovely spiders. That all my life I hate with all my soul. But now is really easy.. I took a shoe and kill them. Well the first weeks.. was really helpful Katie and Anne... if the house had a spider.. I speak out AHHHHH!!!! and Katie or Anne kill it. But if the house had a bird (yes.. one bird can come into the house in Kenya).. Anne was scare close in one room.. and I was following the bird to get have it into my hand and put it out! They was my house mates at the first of my time here.. but after this time with them, they are really more that house mates. They were amazing.. I miss you so much girls! We were the perfect house-mates.. was so fun these time with us. :P Well.. the house have other house-mate more.. Abita. She was ok, but not was the same relationship.
Now that they left Kenya, I live with other two house-mates: Mary and Kell. They are really ok also, it´s not the same relationship because we don´t work together (with Anne passed all day together), but they are really friendly and have fun some nights. It´s nice to live in one house that coming interns.. I can meet a lot of different people during the year.
Other thing that happened during this time is a East Africa MC meeting in Kampala, Uganda. Was really nice to see other time to Manuela and Jimmy, but was better to know other country totally different. And yes.. as all travels here, you had to have a fun situation.. the fun situation this time was in the board.. my visa to Kenya was off. Hehehe.. yes... I was ilegal citizens in Kenya. Can you imagine????? Well.. don´t worry... negotiate, talking and communicate is the best option in this case. I get that they left pass me to Uganda... if one woman is starting to cry is a real good arm in this situations ( I hate it.. but was the only way to get that the police left me serenity and go). And buy the Uganda visa.. and when I come back to Kenya.. no.. I hadn´t to buy a new visa.. crazy conversation of Katie and me with the police.. and they stamped my visa other time! :) Inspite of this, these trip was really nice. The meeting was productive, and really good to create network, the party in Kampala, was amazing. The best pub that I have visited in Africa! Really nice music, variety, beautiful place, smirnof ice black (Of course).. and the best party mates... oh Doreen, George, Frank and Katie.. was amazing!!!!!!!!! :P
Other experience... the official dinner of AIESEC Kenya the last friday. Was so nice the dinner, the alumni, the members, my MC, the CC presentation for the IC 2011 in Kenya. I really enjoyed of this night in other different environment. A posh hotel in Nairobi, with beautiful dress, good food, ... But the best was the party... I finished the party with the sandals off and dancing in the pub totally african! It´s so nice!!!! And the people like so much to dance!!!!
The next day of the dinner was the Rachel wedding, the sister of Ingrid.. my host family in April here. The wedding was beautiful, all thing was really organized, well presented, and of course, the family is like a big family for me. They take care of me a lot and bring me a lot of love.
More things... mmmm... I lived a amazing birthday party in one house into the Safari Park of Nairobi, amazing landscape at the sunrise, and a lot of fun with the members. Interested night! Also we have a great party to say bye bye to Katie and welcome to Freija, in the MC house.. was the Mojito & Sangria party. Was really fun, and the MC house started to be like a great disco, with music, projector of colours in one wall, and.. well.. a lot of good environment and crazy drinking games.
I lived also a legislative session of AIESEC Kenya... they are so serious and fast in it. Was nice.
I have participate in differents MSS (LC activities) here, and one LC VISIT to Kabarak, in Nakuru... What to say about it???? Nice, touching, ....
... all time I feel that I am saying the same: amazing, nice, beautiful, fantastic.. but It´s in reallity my life here in this experience... I am so happy to live it. I love it! Nairobi is a great city, is not dangerous, the people is really friendly, the life is not expensive, the universities are really really good, the matatus are funny, ... and I only can say three words: I LOVE IT!
And.. well.. one thing more.. something that I wan to share with you here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuuTlQ0FzEU Look this video and reflect about it, please.
See you soon.. I promise to write more frecuently now.
Its very big thing to spending 2 months in Kenya.
how to spend, i don't know. but its amazing experience.
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very interesting experience Kele...welcome back to Kenya.. ..maybe next time you will have friends to help you adapt to the place better.